“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Once again, Most Respectful Master, and again Reverend Co-presbyters, […]
In the likeness of God
All men are created in the image of God. But “in the likeness of God” is only given to those who with much love have enslaved their freedom […]
Three times
If you need to make a quick decision and you realize that you need to be consulted by someone about a matter at hand, but you have […]
On the occasion of the Nativity of Theotokos
The All-Holy Virgin “An was incarnated by the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary and became man” Dear friends, humanity is the summit of earthly creation, and […]
The movements of a pious person
Piety is the fear of God, shyness, spiritual sensitivity. The movements of the devout are subtle, careful. He always senses the presence of God, the angels, the […]
Movement of praise
Worship is not limited to a few prayers of thanksgiving addressed by man to God for his gifts and to certain requests for his salvation, his health, […]
An indiction is any of the years in a 15-year cycle used to date medieval documents throughout Europe, both East and West. Each year of a cycle was numbered: […]
Have you ever tried it?
Every one of us barricades himself behind his own justice. He believes the way he looks at things is absolutely right, he believes his reasoning is great, he […]
The Humble man
The humble man approaches the carnivorous beasts, and when their eyes fall upon him, their ferocity becomes tame, and they approach him as their master, and they move […]
Benefits of the Divine Liturgy. 9th Sunday of St. Matthew
Through the Divine Economy the Love of the Holy Trinity is expressed to mankind. “Through marvellous deeds and prophetical words God prepared man to participate once again […]