In order for us to understand the role and importance which the holy Fathers have within the life of the Orthodox Church, we must examine it under […]
Tag: Great Feasts
Theophany (from Greek theophania, meaning “appearance of God”) is one of the Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church, celebrated on January 6. It is the feast which […]
Sunday of Pentecost
After fifty days from our Lord’s glorious Resurrection our Holy Orthodox Church celebrates Pentecost. This feast day is very important for all mankind, because it is the birthday of […]
The Dormition of the Theotokos
It is not an easy task for anyone to describe the glory of the Mother of God. It is also extremely difficult to put into words the virtues […]
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, which falls on 2 February, celebrates an early episode in the life of Jesus. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, it is one of […]
The Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
With special skills and grace the hymn-writers of our Holy Orthodox Church exalt the event of the Divine Economia through the sacred hymns of today’s great feast, that of […]
The History of the Cross
Today, beloved brothers and sisters, we mark a great feast, a great celebration: it is the Exaltation of the Precious Cross. This feast carries us off to […]
In the Honor of the Holy Apostles
In honour of the Apostles, whose Synaxi we will celebrate on June 30, the day after our celebration of the great beacons of the Gospel, Sts. Peter and Paul […]
Sts Peter and Paul
With what Crowns of Praise With what crowns of praise Shall we crown Peter and Paul?… The former as the leader of the Apostles the latter as […]