
How w’ ll feel His Love


“My God, I cannot believe what I was aiming to build in my whole life. I wanted to build up some grand edifice; I wanted to put up a tower of Babel. Here it is, though; everything stands in ruins before you. I accomplished nothing. I admit it, I confess it, I acknowledge it, and at the same time I apologize and ask for mercy; and I believe that you will have mercy on me and forgive me”.

When man takes this attitude before God, he, then, feels that God is His father; he feels His love going through his heart.

Only when man feels that he is a child of God, only when all of God’s love, the rich and inexhaust- ible love of God, starts to penetrate his being, only then is man saved and only then is he redeemed. Only then has he the courage to say these words without getting upset or falling into despair.





Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos (†)

From the book: Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos, “SPIRITUAL MESSAGES” Panorama Thessaloniki, 2017









How w’ ll feel His Love