
Αbout repentance and fasting



Fasting is always connected with ascesis and spir- itual mourning, which is repentance, contrition, de- voutness, and humility.

When such is the life of man, a life of humility, a life of obscurity, man challenges no one and, in the eyes of others, he is a respectable person. They can’t take advantage of him or speak carelessly around him. God himself protects this person, who is His own man. And without pursuing it, a man of God is treated and respected by others accordingly.


We honour God, worship Him and display our whole worship, when we believe Him as God and trust in His goodness. We believe that He provides and takes care of everything. We don’t do right when we think that we can take care of most things on our own and simply resort to God in a disastrous predicament.




Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos (†)

From the book: Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos, “SPIRI










Αbout repentance and fasting