
VIDEO: Serafim Larsen, djfferences between Crismation and complete Baptism

Serafim Larsen is a chosen vessel who now enjoys the gifts of the Holy Spirit. A restless spirit, as a heretic Lutheran, passed through spiritual searches of meditation type, putting himself in dangerous paths, being influenced by demonic energies who bothered him constantly. By a miracle worked by the Mother of God, he found the path to Orthodoxy. Unfortunately, he was applied the practice which receive protestants or papists to Orthodoxy not by Baptism, but just by Chrismation. But the Grace of our Lord eventually led him to the Sacrament of Baptism, for which he suffered war and persecution … But today enjoys the wonder of Orthodoxy in the way that only the full Mystery of Baptism can provide and has been saved from the demonic influences only by the Orthodox Baptism.

    Patir Matheos Vulcanescu


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3shUCssjWA8
