
The road of obedience


During the early years of Christianity, martyr- dom for the faith was the central feature in the life of Christians. Everybody wanted to  be a martyr for Christ. And the Church was full of martyrs and saints. Nowadays, obedience is what will make a martyr out of someone, as blood will be spilling in his soul by the cutting of his will.

The souls who enter the road of obedience, and willingly bind themselves to indiscriminate and per- fect obedience, are the ones to find the way to salvation, the way to sanctification.

“My God, you know everything and I am under your watchful eye. You must have a reason to allow all these things I go through. They are a blessing in disguise”.

If you seek for what is perfect and true in spiritual life, God will bless you.


Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos (†)

From the book: Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos, “SPIRITUAL MESSAGES” Panorama Thessaloniki, 2017









The road of obedience