
Fighting the good fight

In spiritual life, simply fighting to correct yourself or to get rid of some flaws, is not enough. As you are fighting the good fight, the point is to manage to take the proper attitude towards God. By doing so, you enable God to give you his mercy. God wants to but He cannot grant his mercy on you, if you do not take the proper attitude towards Him.

See God’s mercy and confess: “My God, what would have become of me if you had not shown me your mercy?”  If this is how you humble yourself, your soul will be set on fire.

If your disposition or inner make up are no good, under no circumstances should you feel this is bad for you. It is definitely for your own spiritual benefit. Only God knows how He allows things within his Provi- dence. That does not mean, however, that everybody will profit spiritually. The fact that God has made a good plan is not simply enough; man must also see and un- derstand this plan and cooperate with God accordingly.



Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos (†)

From the book: Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos, “SPIRITUAL MESSAGES” Panorama Thessaloniki, 2017






Fighting the good fight