
Circumcision of the Lord


Today, our Church celebrates the Circumcision of the Lord. Christ, although an infant as man, is nonetheless God and arranges things to happen like this, to be circumcised. Because in no case did He come to the earth to not conform to the law, but instead did all that was required.

On this day let us make a good beginning and leave aside whatever prideful demeanor we have, whatever unruly spirit, whatever freedom-crazed intention we have. Let us bend our neck and act from now on as did our God, who became man and came here to earth and from the first moment of His life until His last breath lived as a perfect human being. And with His life too He is still telling us: “Here is the way I would like you to live.” Not just with His commandments, with His miracles, with His teaching, but with His own life He tells us: “Here is the way I would like you to live.”



Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos (†)

From the book: Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos, “SPIRITUAL MESSAGES” Panorama Thessaloniki, 2017






Circumcision of the Lord