
The love of God 

There is the familiar argument of the atheists:
Why doesn't God regulate all this if he is omnipotent? Or is he not
omnipotent? Obviously, God is omnipotent! But his power is not that of
dictators and demons, nor even the power I can exercise in my hatred. God's
omnipotence is me! Here, I use a term that is difficult to translate and needs
analysis- …Love…. !!!!! Not the Love that possesses, but the Love that
respects. The Love that is identified with what theologians call
"kenosis". People can create copies and imitations. But only an absolute
omnipotence can create a truly absolute otherness, a freedom truly free! The
act of creation means risking God! God risks being rejected, being driven
away, to be crucified through the freedoms which is the masterpiece of His
omnipotence! Love is powerless because it is omnipotent. You know very well
that the more you love someone, the more powerless you are. Love which is
freedom, seeking freedom, cannot eliminate externally, authoritatively and as
a dictator, the darkness that dwell within us, to which we so often, comfortably
and effortlessly we surrender Creation.



Olivier Clement, Professor at the Institute of Orthodox Theology "Saint
Sergius" in Paris


Translated by Dr. Nick Stergiou




The love of God